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ID: 58051 Rape of Polyxena

This group is modern and was executed by Pio Fedi,of Florence, in 1866. It represents a mythological subject, the forcible abduction of Polyxena by Achilles. The warrior, whose from is characterized by greet strenth and beauty, encircling the form of  the maiden with his left arm, while his right is uplifted and in its hand is a sword with which he is about to strike down the mother, Hecuba, who, kneeling at his feet, implores his mercy while she clings piteously to her child and betrayer  

These superlative sculptures have been made by Cold Casting Bronze, a specialist technique, where craftsmen handcraft each piece to absolute perfection.

ID: 58052 Preseus/Medusa Head

Persus is sent to slay the Gorgon Medusa whose gaze turns all to stone. Perseus beheads Medusa by looking at her reflection in the brightly -polished shield giving to him by Athena. When he beheads Medusa, the winged horse Pegasus springs full grown from her body.Using Medusa''s head as a weapon Perseus turns his enemies to stone and the Titan Atlas into mountains . The vectorious Perseus then files off on Pegasus''back to claim the hand of Andromeda. 

These superlative sculptures have been made by Cold Casting Bronze, a specialist technique, where craftsmen handcraft each piece to absolute perfection.

ID: 58053 Psyche carried by Hermes

 After Psyche searched through long and weary years but could not find any trace of Eros, she entered the temples of Demeter and Hera to seek their aid, and they advised her to be steadfast and faithful, and told her if Eros still loves her, no power on earth or in heaven could keep him away from her. Psyche realized now that Eros must be on Olympus and was wondering how she could reach him when Hermes (Mercury), messenger of the gods, appeared and offered to carry her there.

These superlative sculptures have been made by Cold Casting Bronze, a specialist technique, where craftsmen handcraft each piece to absolute perfection.

ID: 58054 Psyche spying on Eros
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 EROS(Roman-Cupid) is the Greek god of love and son of Aphrodite while PSYCHE is a mortal princess whose beauty aroused the jealous wrath of Aphrodite. Aphrodite sent Eros, to shoot Psyche with one of his arrows, to make her fall in love with the most hideous monster he could find, but Psyche''s exquisite beauty so enchanted him that he could not bring himself to carry out his mother''s command.

These superlative sculptures have been made by Cold Casting Bronze, a specialist technique, where craftsmen handcraft each piece to absolute perfection.

ID: 58055 Menelaus and Troy

Menelaus was married to Helen, who was abducted by Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy, leading to the Trojan War. Achilles allowed his friend Patroclus to wear his armor into battle to rally the Greeks. But Patroclus was killed by Hector while wearing Achilles'' armor. This sculpture shows Menelaus holding the dead body of Patroclus; the placeof origin and artist are unknown. it now stands in the Loggie della Lanzi in Florence. 

These superlative sculptures have been made by Cold Casting Bronze, a specialist technique, where craftsmen handcraft each piece to absolute perfection.

ID: 58056 Hercules and Lichas

 Hercules, the son of Zeus and Alcmena, is the most popular of all Greek heroes and famous for extraordinary strength and courage. He was the protector of athletics and the founder of the Olympic Games. When he was only eighteen he killed a lion, and for the rest of his life he would carry its skin. The most popular story is the twelve arduous labors, such as killing the Nemean lion and the Hydra, catching the Erymanthian boar and the Cerynean hind, and taking the golden apples of Hesperides. He was worshipped as either a god or a hero for protection from those various evils. 

These superlative sculptures have been made by Cold Casting Bronze, a specialist technique, where craftsmen handcraft each piece to absolute perfection.

ID: 58057 St.George slaying Dragon

St George and the Dragon, this tale derives from the Golden Legend, written in the 13th century, involving Sabra, a king''s daughter, about to be sacrificed to appease a ferocious dragon terrorizing the kingdom. St George rescued her from certain death by thrusting his lance into the dragon''s mouth, killing it instantly. The greatful king and hordes of his subjects became Christians.

These superlative sculptures have been made by Cold Casting Bronze, a specialist technique, where craftsmen handcraft each piece to absolute perfection.


ID: 58058 Hercules and centaur

 When Hercules stopped to visit Pholus, he was thirsty and persuaded Pholus to open a jar of wine that was the property of the Centaurs. The other Centaurs smelled the wine and came running. A fight broke out between Hercules and the centaurs. In the melee, Chiron the only immortal centaur, who was known for his exceptional goodness and wisdom, was accidentally wounded by Hercules, although he did not take part in the fight. As an immortal, Chiron could not die but lived in terrible pain. 

These superlative sculptures have been made by Cold Casting Bronze, a specialist technique, where craftsmen handcraft each piece to absolute perfection.

ID: 58059 Oedipus and Sphinx
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The story Oedipus and the Sphinx is about a sphinx who blocked a mountain path to the city of Thebes and posed riddles to travelers. If they could answer, they could pass. If they failed, they were torn to bits. Oedipus took the challenge. In Moreau''s adaptation of the story we see Oedipus and the sphinx locked eye to eye as she is almost pleading, awaiting for his answer. The sexual overtones here are intense and we''re left wondering if she really wants him to fail or succeed; and exactly who might be devouring whom.

These superlative sculptures have been made by Cold Casting Bronze, a specialist technique, where craftsmen handcraft each piece to absolute perfection.


ID: 58060 Bellerophon/Chimera

 Bellerophon was the sun and precocious equestrain student of King Glaucus of Corinth.At age of 16 Bellerophone set out seeking adventures and unknowingly became the enemy of Proteus,the King of Tiryns.Proteus sent Bellerophone to Iobates, his father -in -law,with sealed instructions to kill him. Iobates sent Bellerphon to slay the lion-head,dragon -tailed, flesh eating monester,Chimaera. With the help of the wise Polyidus, Bellerophon gained the winged horse, Pegasus, as his ride and succeeded in killing the Chimaera.  Bellerophone won Iobate''s admiration after defeating the Solymia and the Amazons and was rewarded with Iobate''s daughter as a wife.

These superlative sculptures have been made by Cold Casting Bronze, a specialist technique, where craftsmen handcraft each piece to absolute perfection.

ID: 58061 Perseus and pegasus
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Persus is sent to slay the Gorgon Medusa whose gaze turns all to stone. Perseus beheads Medusa by looking at her reflection in the brightly -polished shield giving to him by Athena. When he beheads Medusa, the winged horse Pegasus springs full grown from her body.Using Medusa''s head as a weapon Perseus turns his enemies to stone and the Titan Atlas into mountains . The vectorious Perseus then files off on Pegasus''back to claim the hand of Andromeda. 

These superlative sculptures have been made by Cold Casting Bronze, a specialist technique, where craftsmen handcraft each piece to absolute perfection.

ID: 58062 Rodin "The Kiss"
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These superlative sculptures have been made by Cold Casting Bronze, a specialist technique, where craftsmen handcraft each piece to absolute perfection.


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